Bioinformatics Lab at Yangtze University

We are team of talented scientist

Teach Students

Teach Bioinformatics, Biological Data Analysis and Programing, Animal Genetics courses, and etc.

Scientific Consult

Providing advice and recommendations to solve complex bioinformatics problems.

Scientific Research

Conduct cutting edge reserch for bioinformatic theories and hypotheses.

Software Development

Analyze Bioinformatician's needs and then design, test, and develop software to meet those needs.

Selected Publications

For students interested in our group, please read these SPs before talking to me.

  • Identification of upstream transcription factor binding sites in orthologous genes using mixed Student’s t-test statistics

    Locating transcription factor-binding (TF-binding) site in the genome and identification their function is fundamental in understanding various biological processes. Improve the performance of the prediction tools is important because accurate TF-binding site prediction can save cost and time for wet-lab experiments. Also, genome wide TF-binding site prediction can provide new insights for transcriptome regulation in system biology perspective. This study developed a new TF-binding site prediction tool based on mixed Student’s t-test statistical method. The tool is amongst the top-ranked TF-binding site predictors, as such, it can help the researchers in TF-binding site identification and transcriptional regulation mechanism interpretation of genes.

    Read Full Text PloS Computational Biology Paper

  • Background: Mammalian genes are regulated at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels. These mechanisms may involve the direct promotion or inhibition of transcription via a regulator or post-transcriptional regulation through factors such as microRNAs. Objective: Build genes regulation relationships modulated by causality inference-based microRNA-(transition factor)-(target gene) networks and analysis gene expression data to find gene expression regulators. Methods: Manually curate mouse gene expression regulation relationships from the literature using text mining method, and built microRNA-(transition factor)-(target gene) networks. Identifying gene expression regulators from transcriptome profiling data by applying enrichment analysis to these networks. Results: A total of 22,271 mouse gene expression regulation relationships have been curated for 4,018 genes and 242 microRNAs. A software called GEREA were developed to perform the integrated analyses. We applied the algorithm to transcriptome data for synthetic miR-155 oligo-treated mouse CD4+ T-cells and confirmed that miR-155 was an important network regulator. Wet-lab experiments verified that miR-155 regulates the transition factors Sp1, Fgf2, and Ctla4. An in vitro analysis of target transcription levels in transition factor inhibitor-treated mouse CD4+ T-cells determined the regulatory effects of the two transition factors. Conclusion: The causality inference-based microRNA-(transition factor)-(target gene) networks is a novel resource for gene expression regulation research, and GEREA is an effective and useful adjunct to the currently available methods. The regulatory networks and the algorithm implemented in the GEREA software package are available under a free academic license at

    Read Full Text Current Bioinformatics Paper

  • Understanding how genes are expressed and regulated in di®erent biological processes are fundamental and challenging issues. Considerable progress has been made in studying the relationship between the expression and regulation of human genes. However, it is di±cult to use these resources productively to analyze gene expression data. GEREDB ( has been developed to facilitate analyses that will provide insights into the regulation of genes that govern speci¯c biological responses. GEREDB is a publicly available, manually curated biological database that stores the data regarding relationships between expression and regulation of human genes. To date, more than 39,000 Links have been contextually annotated by reviewing more than 53,000 abstracts. GEREDB can be searched using the o±cial NCBI gene symbol as a query, and it can be downloaded along with the GEREA software package. GEREDB has the ability to analyze user-supplied gene expression data in a causal analysis oriented manner using the GEREA bioinformatics tool.

    Read Full Text Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Paper

  • MicroRNAs are single-stranded noncoding RNAs known to down-regulate target genes at the protein or mRNA level. Computational prediction of targets is essential for elucidating the detailed functions of microRNA. However, prediction speci¯city and sensitivity of the existing algorithms still need to be improved to generate useful hypotheses for subsequent experimental testing. A new microRNA binding-site representation method was developed, which uses four symbols \j", \:", \", and \ ^" (indicating paired, unpaired, insertion, and bulge, respectively) to represent the status of each nucleotide base pair in the microRNA binding site. New features were established with the information of every two adjacent symbols. There are 12 possible combinations and the frequency of each de¯nes a set of novel and useful features. A comprehensive training dataset is constructed for mammalian microRNAs with positive targets obtained from the microRNA target depository in the miRTarbase, while negative targets were derived from pseudo-microRNA bindings. An SVM model was established using the training dataset and a new software called Min3 was developed. Performance of Min3 was assessed with intensively studied examples of miR-155 and miR-92a. Prediction results showed that Min3 can discover 47% of experimental conformed targets on average. The overlapping is above 20% on average when compared with TargetScan and miRanda. Annotations of the public microRNA datasets showed that there is a negative e®ect (up-regulation) of the Min3 targets for the knock out/down of miR-155 and miR-92a. Six top ranked targets were selected for validation by wetlab experiments, and ¯ve of them showed a regulation e®ect. The Min3 can be a good alternative to current microRNA target discovery software. This tool is available at https://sourceforge. net/projects/mirt3.

    Read Full Text Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Paper

  • Gene-expression data obtained from the biological experiments always have thousands of dimensions, which can be very confusing and perplexing to biologists when viewed as a whole. Clustering analysis is an explorative data-mining technique for statistical data analysis that is widely used in gene-expression data analysis. Practical approaches employed for solving the clustering problem use iterative procedures such as K-means, which typically converge to one of many local minima. Here, we propose a simulated annealing approximation algorithm that is optimised using random walks to solve the K-means clustering problem. The algorithm is verified with synthetic and real-world data sets and compared with other well-known K-means variants. The new algorithm is less sensitive to initial cluster centres, and the primary strength of our algorithm is its ability to produce high-quality clustering results for thousands of high-dimensional data. However, the algorithm is computationally intensive.

    Read Full Text Int. J. Data Mining and Bioinformatics Paper

  • Background: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are recognized as one of the most important families of noncoding RNAs that serve as important sequence-specific post-transcriptional regulators of gene expression. Identification of miRNAs is an important requirement for understanding the mechanisms of post-transcriptional regulation. Hundreds of miRNAs have been identified by direct cloning and computational approaches in several species. However, there are still many miRNAs that remain to be identified due to lack of either sequence features or robust algorithms to efficiently identify them. Results: We have evaluated features valuable for pre-miRNA prediction, such as the local secondary structure differences of the stem region of miRNA and non-miRNA hairpins. We have also established correlations between different types of mutations and the secondary structures of pre-miRNAs. Utilizing these features and combining some improvements of the current premiRNA prediction methods, we implemented a computational learning method SVM (support vector machine) to build a high throughput and good performance computational pre-miRNA prediction tool called MiRFinder. The tool was designed for genome-wise, pair-wise sequences from two related species. The method built into the tool consisted of two major steps: 1) genome wide search for hairpin candidates and 2) exclusion of the non-robust structures based on analysis of 18 parameters by the SVM method. Results from applying the tool for chicken/human and D. melanogaster/D. pseudoobscura pair-wise genome alignments showed that the tool can be used for genome wide pre-miRNA predictions. Conclusion: The MiRFinder can be a good alternative to current miRNA discovery software. This tool is available at

    Read Full Text BMC Bioinformatics Paper

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Years of experience


The mission of Tinghua Huang's bioinformatics laboratory

Further advance the interdisciplinary field of bioinformatics by conducting internationally recognized bioinformatics research in the broad areas of DNA and protein sequence analysis; Provide graduate-level bioinformatics educational training to produce graduates competitive at the regional, national, and international levels.

  • Computational analysis of gene regulatory regions.
  • Systems biology approaches for gene expression meta-analysis
  • Algorithmic development for analysis of Next-Generation sequencing data

The development of high throughput technologies has given rise to a wealth of information at system level including genome, epigenome, transcriptome, proteome and metabolome. However, it remains a major challenge to analysis the massive amounts of information and use it in an intelligent and comprehensive manner. To address this question, Dr. Tinghua Huang's group has focused on developing computational tools and resources to analyze and integrate large scale 'omics' datasets, which help researchers to understand how genes work together to comprise a specific biological process.


Our full Services and Information Catalog is your guide to Tinghua Huang's bioinformatics group.

Data Analysis

Microarray, deep-seq, chip-seq, and other high throughput data analysis

Proposal Review

Write review comments for NSF grant proposals, thesis, and journal articals

Script Development

Develop perl, python, R script for various data analysis applications

Code Review

Review perl, python, R, and C++ code, debug and revise existing source code

Webpage Design

Design and develop new webpages, review and revise existing webpages


Translate journal articl, thesis, project proposals to Englih or Chinese

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Tinghua Huang


Hong Xiao


Qi Tian


Zhen He



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